Nature is highly complex, and the only prediction you can make is that it is unpredictable. The amazing unpredictability of nature is what Chaos Theory looks at. Why? Because in stead of being boring and translucent, nature is marvelous and mysterious. And Chaos Theory has managed to somewhat capture the beauty of the unpredictable and display it in the most awesome patterns. Nature, when looked upon with the right kind of eyes, presents herself as one of the most fabulous works of art ever wrought.
Chaos has already had a lasting effect on science, yet there is much still left to be discovered. Many scientists believe that twentieth century science will be known for only three theories: relativity, quantum mechanics, and chaos. Aspects of chaos show up everywhere around the world, from the currents of the ocean and the flow of blood through fractal blood vessels to the branches of trees and the effects of turbulence. Chaos has inescapably become part of modern science and in ICT field.
Security in the other hand become more and more important to sustain the benefit of ICT implementation in any field. This symposium combines two important meetings of chaos and security, following up to the third one that held in University of Indonesia, Jakarta two years ago. It proposes interactive discussion and exchange of experience in form of two day symposium to get better understanding of Security and Chaos phenomenon in ICT which is very important in developing the solution for ICT problem.
1. Prof. Yoshisuke Ueda (Kyoto University, Japan)
2. Prof. Ken Umeno (Kyoto University, Japan)
3. Prof. Kalamullah Ramli (University of Indonesia)
4. Prof. Zaenal Hasibuan (University of Indonesia)
5. Prof. Dr. Mahamod bin Ismail (University Kebangsaan Malaysia)
6. Dr. Rudi Lumanto (Ministry of ICT, Indonesia)
7. Dr. Bernardi Pranggono (University of Leeds, UK)
8. Dr. Hisaaki Tanaka (University of Electro Communication, Japan)
9. Dr. Warsito (Edwar Technology.Co, Indonesia)
10. Edi Sukur (Edwar Technology.Co, Indonesia)
11. Dr. Sigit Wigati Jarot Puspito (Indonesia Telecommunication Regulatory Body)
12. Dr. Michiaki Katsumoto (Katsumoto Design Laboratory)
13. Dr. Bambang Priantono (Lintas Arta.Co, Indonesia)
14. Dr. Suryadi (University of Indonesia)
15. Dr. Yan Rianto (Ministry of ICT, Indonesia)
16. Dr. Ade Komara (Geospatial Information Agency, Indonesia)
17. Dr. Rolly Purnomo (Planning and Development Agency, Indonesia)