2018年 (研究室 第7期)

  1. Ken-ichi Okubo and Ken Umeno, Universality of the route to chaos: Exact analysisProgress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (2018) vol. 10, 1-28.
  2. 岩瀬悠哉、成瀬康、横田悠右、梅原広明、梅野健, 歩行中の脳波に含まれるワークロード信号のブラインド信号源分離を用いた抽出ヒューマンインターフェース学会論文誌 (2018) vol. 20, No.3, p.353-360.
  3. Atsushi Iwasaki and Ken Umeno, Randomness Test to Solve Discrete Fourier Transform Test Problems, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, (2018) E101-A,8.
  4. Masaru Shintani and Ken Umeno, Super Generalized Central Limit Theorem -Limit Distributions for Sums of Non-identical Random Variables with Power LawsJournal of the Physical Society of Japan, (2018) vol. 87, 043003.
  5. Shin-itiro Goto and Ken Umeno, Maps on statistical manifolds exactly reduced from the Perron-Frobenius equations for solvable chaotic mapsJournal of Mathematical Physics (2018) vol. 59, 032701 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5001841
  6. Masaru Shintani and Ken Umeno, Conditional Lyapunov Exponent Criteria in terms of Ergodic TheoryProgress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, (2018) vol. 8,DOI:10.1093/ptep/ptx168

2017年 (研究室 第6期)

  1. Isao Nakazawa and Ken Umeno, Fundamental study on almost periodic frequency arrangements for super-multi-access radio communication systemsIEICE Communications Express (ComEx) (2017) vol. 6, No. 12.
  2. Atsushi Iwasaki and Ken Umeno,Three theorems on odd degree Chebyshev polynomials and more generalized permutation polynomials over a ring of module 2^w”Japan J. Indust. Appl. Math., DOI:10.1007/s13160-017–0275-7
  3. Ken-ichi Okubo and Ken Umeno, “Physical Model of Energy Fluctuation Divergence”, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci., 24, 252-257 (2017).
  4. Hirofumi Tsuda and Ken Umeno, "Weyl Spreading Sequence Optimizing CDMA",IEICE Transactions on Communications (2017).DOI:10.1587/transcom.2017EBP3139
  5. Hirofumi Tsuda and Ken Umeno, Non-Linear Programming: Maximize SINR for Designing Spreading SequenceIEEE Transactions on Communications (2017) Vol. 61 Issue 1, DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2017.2748595
  6. Atsushi Iwasaki and Ken Umeno, Further Improving Security of Vector Stream CipherNonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, vol. 8, No.3, (2017) pp. 215-223.
  7. Ken-ichi Okubo and Ken Umeno, "New Chaos Indicators for Systems with Extremely Small Lyapunov Exponents", in Chaos, Complexity and Transport,Edited by Xavier Leoncini, Christophe Eloy and Gwenn Boedec, (World Scientific, 2017), pp. 185-203.
  8. Takuya Iwata and Ken Umeno, "Preseismic ionospheric anomalies detected before the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake"Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 122 (2017) pp.3602-3616, doi:10.1002/2017JA023921
  9. Atsushi Iwasaki and Ken Umeno,"One-stroke polynomials over a ring of modulo 2^w",JSIAM Letters, Vol. 9 (2017) pp.5-9, doi:10.14495/jsiaml.9.5
  10. Hiroki Okada and Ken Umeno, Randomness Evaluation with the Discrete Fourier Transform Test Based on Exact Analysis of the Reference Distribution, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, No.5, (2017) pp. 1218-1226.

2016年 (研究室 第5期)

  1. Hirofumi Tsuda and Ken Umeno, "Orthogonal basis spreading sequence for optimal CDMA", JSIAM Letters, vol. 8 (2016) pp. 77-80, doi:10.14495/jsiaml.8.77
  2. Iwata Takuya and Ken Umeno, "Correlation Analysis for Preseismic Total Electron Content Anomalies around the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake",Journal of Geophysical Research, ,vol. 121(2016) pp.8969-8984, doi: 10.1002/2016JA023036
  3. Ken Umeno and Ken-ichi Okubo,Exact Lyapunov exponents of the generalized Boole transformations, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 021A01, pp.1-10, doi: 10.1093/ptep/ptv195
  4. Atsushi Iwasaki and Ken Umeno, "Improving security of Vector Stream Cipher", Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, vol. 7 (2016) pp. 30-37, doi: 10.1587/nolta.7.30
  5. Ken Umeno, "Ergodic transformatons on R preserving Cauchy laws",Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, vol. 7 (Invited Paper) (2016) pp.14-20, doi:10.1587/nolta.7.14
  6. Shin-itiro Goto, "Contact geometric descriptions of vector fields on dually flat spaces and their applications in electric circuit models and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics",Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 57, (2016)102702, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4964751

2015年 (研究室 第4期)

  1. H. Okada, K. Umeno, D. Handoko, M. Ihsan, R. Maharani, P. Nursetia, H. Rosyad, Warsito, "Brain Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography Signals Analysis with Moving Maximum Lyapunov Exponents", Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine, vol. 7, No. 10 (2015), pp. 897-899.
  2. 大久保 健一, 梅野 健,弱カオス系のカオス性判定について, 日本応用数理学会論文誌, vol.25, No.3(2015), pp. 165-190.
  3. 岡田 大樹、梅野 健、"新たな非線形時系列解析の手法 —移動最大リアプノフ指数線によるカオス解析ー", レーザー研究, vol. 43, No. 6(2015), pp. 359-364.
  4. Chen-An Yang, Kung Yao, Ken Umeno, and Ezio Biglieri, "Superefficient Monte Carlo Simulations" in Simulation Technologies in Networking and Communications Selecting the Best Tool for Test, Edited by Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Mohammad Mostafa Monowar Shafiullah Khan (CRC Press, 2015) pp.69-91.

2014年 (研究室 第3期)

  1. Ryo Takahashi and Ken Umeno, "Performance Evaluation of CDMA Using Chaotic Spreading Sequence with Constant Power in Indoor Power Line Fading Channels",IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences,E67-A,No. 7 (2014), pp.1619-1622, doi: 10.1587/transfun.E97.A.1619

2013年 (研究室 第2期)

  1. K. Umeno and M. H. Kao, "Chaos Theory as the answer to limited spectrum?", ITU News, No.10, 2013.   ItuNews_LOGO.jpg
  2. 201311-IEEE-Cover.jpgChen-An Yang, Kung Yao, Ken Umeno and Ezio Biglieri, "Using Deterministic Chaos for Superefficient Monte Carlo Simulations", IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, 13 (2013), pp.26 - 35.
  3. Shun Ogawa, Spectral and formal stability criteria of spatially inhomogeneous solutions to the Vlasov equation for the Hamiltonian mean-field model, Phys. Rev. E 87, 062107 (2013), arXiv:1301.1130
  4. 梅野健 情報の統計力学 数理科学 No. 600 (2013), pp. 35-41
  5. K. Umeno and A.-H. Sato, "Chaotic Method for Generating q-Gaussian Random Variables", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 59 (2013), pp.3199 - 3209.

2012年 (研究室 発足期(第1期): 2012.4.1-2012.12.31

  1. 該当無し



平成25年度 修士論文題目

有井 伴樹

Study on CDMA Systems with Primitive Root Codes (原始根符号を用いたCDMAシステムの研究)

In this thesis, we study on CDMA systems with primitive root codes. First, we explain primitive roots modulo a prime number $p$, and introduce the concept of safe prime numbers. Second, using the properties of primitive roots, we construct synchronous CDMA systems with primitive root codes which are complex number sequences. In this paper, we construct the system with the following situations: (1) The same primitive root $q_1$ is assigned to every user. (2) Different primitive roots are assigned to each user. (3) Some users are assigned by the same primitive root $q_1$, and other users are assigned by another primitive root $q_2$. Third, we analyse theoretically Bit Error Rate (BER) of the systems and effects of a safe prime number. Fourth, we simulate numerically BER of the systems. Finally, we compare the theoretical and numerical analysis of BER and evaluate the performance of the systems.


入江 哲史

Study on the high-precision Monte-Carlo computation using random numbers with nonuniform density (非一様乱数を使用する高精度モンテカルロ計算についての研究)

In this paper, a generalized method and several practical methods of the high-precision Monte-Carlo computation using random numbers with nonuniform density which decrease are proposed. Also the results of comparison between the proposed methods and previous methods, which use random or quasi-random number sequences with uniform density, are shown for applications to several multidimensional integral computation. As a result, the superiority of this methods is demonstrated.


久世 友博

Robustness of interdependent networks with degree-correlated inter-connections (次数相関を持って複数のネットワークが相互につながっている場合のロバスト性)

Modern systems are constructed with multiple networks that are connected to each other. For example, electrical systems are constructed with the power grids and their communication support systems. In such a interdependent network, failure of nodes in one constituent network leads nodes in the other network to fail. This happens recursively and leads to a cascade of failures. It is known that the interdependent networks with random inter-connections have weaker robustness, tolerance to failures, than the individual networks. However, if the interdependent networks have degree correlations between the networks constructing them, the robustness of the interdependent networks may be changed. Since actual interdependent networks have some correlations, we investigate the effects of the correlations on the networks.
A group that nodes connected with several links is called a cluster and if the number of nodes in the cluster is large, the network is robust. We perform simulations for various ratios of the initial failure of nodes and evaluate the cluster sizes after the cascade of failures. We show that when a interdependent network has a positive degree correlation between two networks that construct it, it has the stronger robustness than that for the networks with no degree correlation. Moreover, as the result of the numerical simulation this system shows a percolation phase transition and the threshold is approximately a linear function of the correlation coefficient. Then, we show not only the numerical simulation results but theoretical ones for the robustness of the interdependent networks. The theory can be applied to the interdependent networks with any degree distributions and any inter-correlations. The theoretical results correspond to the numerical simulation results mainly at any case.


平成24年度 修士論文題目

岩田 真聡




尾崎 亮輔



用いられる乱数には、数学的アルゴリズムを用いた擬似乱数や、ランダムな物理現象を用いる物理乱数がある。それらの乱数が真の乱数であるかどうか判定する手法として、統計的性質を利用した検定法が多数提案され、複数の検定法をまとめた検定ツールがある。著名な検定ツールにNIST Special Publication 800-22がある。その評価法の一つである離散フーリエ変換検定法に問題が見つかった。



家治川 博

Linear Regression Analysis of Foreign Exchanges with a Method of Segmenting Time Series Based on the Likelihood-Ratio Test

There has been a lot of researches to analyze time series data. On the other hand, a variation of information which we can obtain is getting wider and wider these days because of the development of information technology. Therefore, it is important to deal with various information for a purpose to analyze financial time series data more accurately.
In this paper, we conduct a linear regression analysis and set Google search queries as explanatory variables of the model in order to analyze financial time series data with taking various information into consideration. Additionally, we also set the interbank exchange frequencies and the volatility calculated by GARCH(1,1) model as explanatory variables.
Since financial time series are not generally modeled as a stationary process, but modeled as a non-stationary process, we assume that the non-stationary time series consists of several stationary segments with different properties. In order to discriminate the joint of these distributions, we conduct a likelihood- ratio test. According to this test, the point which maximizes the likelihood- ratio between the null model (homogeneous disturbance distribution) and the alternative model (a mixture of two different normal distributions) is regarded as the most possible combination point. Since likelihood usually includes sample errors, we evaluate the significance level of it by using the bootstrap method. We employ the bootstrap distribution as a discriminant measure to divide the time series into two segments at an adequate point, recursively.
We apply this method to the data of foreign exchange market and make an analysis of them in terms of segmenting points and regression coefficients. We compare our proposed method with the ordinary linear regression method visually and numerically. We conclude that Google search term which segments the time series at a point different from other search term has an additional relation with the explained variable. Our proposed method can detect the data point at which the tendency of the time series changes and can analyze the time series better than the ordinary method.


守田 悠三

Analysis of Foreign Exchange Rates Based on Parametric Risk Assessment Procedures with q-Gaussian and Pearson type IV Distributions

Recently, it has been much easier for individuals to buy and sell foreign currencies in the market and it is becoming more important to understand the foreign currency risks to hold foreign currencies safely. Exchange rates sometimes fluctuate unpredictably and it could cause loss of the deposit. Especially, it is well-known that the volatilities of the price fluctuate de- pending on the time period, which seems to cause fat-tailedness observed in actual data. Therefore, it is important to regard its fat-tailedness when we estimate the risk from historical data.
In this paper, we introduce parametric risk assessment procedures in the foreign exchange market. In order to consider the ruin probability when we have some deposit, we assume two types of distributions, the q-Gaussian and the Pearson type IV distributions that log-returns in foreign exchange rates obey.
We perform parameter estimation of q-Gaussian distribution for 30 currency pairs with a maximum likelihood method. The parameter q is estimated in the range of from 1.3 to 1.7, and we confirm that the empirical distributions of the market data have fat-tails. To check whether the estimated parameters are statistically significant, we calculate p-values of two types of statistical test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test and Anderson-Darling (AD) test. We reveal that all p-values in KS test are larger than 0.1, although p-values of 9 currency pairs are less than 0.1. This means that the log-returns obey the q-Gaussian as a whole, but do not when we focus on tails of the distributions.
We also perform parameter estimation of the Pearson type IV distribution, which has skewness, for 30 currency pairs. In this case, the average p-values in both KS and AD test are better than those of the q-Gaussian and the p-values in AD test for only 5 pairs are less than 0.1. This means that the Pearson type IV is better-fitted to the market data. Therefore, we reveal that the model with skewness is preferred for risk estimation. We calculate 1% Value-at-Risk (VaR) in both cases. The difference of the VaR between the q-Gaussian and the Pearson type IV is about 10%. This indicates that VaR with the q-Gaussian could cause underestimation of the risk.


吉村 玄太

Capacity-Approaching LDPC Codes Constructed from Extended Protographs

Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are in a class of the most powerful error correcting codes available today. In this paper, to improve the decoding performance we introduce a new class of LDPC codes constructed from a template called an extended protograph, which belongs to the superset of the popular protographs. We exploit the extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart and asymptotic ensemble weight enumerator techniques to predict the capacity-approaching performance of extended protograph code ensembles. EXIT charts compute the iterative decoding threshold of a code ensemble, which contributes to the waterfall region performance for the decoding error rate. Asymptotic ensemble weight enumerators estimate whether or not the minimum distance of code ensemble increases linearly with code length, which affects the error floor performance for the decoding error rate. Taking account of these conflicting performance indices, we apply the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm to find extended protograph based codes which have low iterative decoding threshold and the linear minimum distance growth property. Finally, the performance of optimized extended protograph based codes over the binary-input additive white Gaussian noise (BIAWGN) channel are compared with that of existing protograph based codes and the quasi-cyclic (QC) code adopted by IEEE 802.16e (WiMAX) standard.


平成23年度 修士論文題目

池田 和雄

Opinion propagation using partisan voter models on several networks

The partisan voter model is the one of models which treat the social opinion dynamics. We use them in order to treat opinion dynamics on several networks. This model is a modified version of the voter model which describes the evolution to consensus in the networks of nodes, voters, that possess respective opinions within a discrete set. In the partisan voter model, each node has also an innate and fixed liking for one opinion. This liking determines the probability that each node changes its opinion. We calculate the convergence time toward consensus of opinions in several networks by using the partisan voter model. The convergence time in the scale-free networks, the BA model, is smaller than that in the complete graph. With the modified BA model we investigate the dependence on the exponent of the degree distribution, that is, on the number and size of hubs on the network. If the exponent is small, the number of hubs is small and the size of hubs is large. From our simulation, for the small exponent, the convergence time is shorter than that for the large exponent. The correlation of degrees is controlled by rewires of the links in the network initially created by the BA model. For assortative networks, we confirm with our simulation that convergence time is, in general, longer than that for uncorrelated networks. On the other hand, for disassortative networks, it is shorter than that for uncorrelated one in general.


野田 実

Japanese hotel statistics in terms of regional room capacities

In this paper, in order to understand the dependence of stay capacity on regionality, we propose a method to determine districts depending on the number of rooms and to classify its districts. We empirically analyze the geographical positions and the number of rooms about 2,881 Japanese hotels which have 582,898 rooms in total. Firstly, we conduct a clustering analysis of the regional stay capacity by centroid method. Secondly, we introduce the maximum entropy principle in order to divide regional areas into some levels. It may be concluded that the rank size distribution for the number of rooms in the cluster is fitted with a power-law function and that the scaling exponent is dependent on the number of clusters.


森岡 篤

Optimization of routing strategies for data transfer in peer-to-peer networks

Recently, peer-to-peer file-sharing systems have become familiar and the information traffic in the networks is increasing. Therefore it causes various traffic problems in peer-to-peer networks. In this paper, we model some features of the peer-to-peer networks, and investigate the traffic problems. Peer-to-peer networks have two notable characters. One is that each peer frequently searches for a file and download it from a peer who has the requested file. To decide whether a peer has the requested file or not in modeling of the search and download process, we introduce a file-parameter Pj , which expresses the normalized amount of files stored in peer j. It is assumed that if Pj is large, peer j has many files and can meet other peers' requests with high probability. The other character is that peers leave and join into the network repeatedly. Many researchers address traffic problems of data transfer in computer communication networks. To our knowledge, however, no reports focus on those in peer-to-peer networks whose topology changes with time. For routing paths of data transfer, generally, the shortest paths are used in usual computer networks. In this paper, we introduce a new optimal routing strategy which uses weights of peers to avoid traffic congestion. We find that the new routing strategy is superior to the shortest path strategy in terms of data traveling time when many peers join in the data transfer.


平成22年度 修士論文題目

永田 啓悟

Analysis of image encryption schemes using chaotic maps

Along with the development of the information and telecommunications networks, various kinds of encryption schemes have been developed by many researchers. Some of them pay attention to chaotic encryption. They utilize chaotic properties such as initial sensitivity, synchronization, and so on, for enhancing security and effect of encryption. In this paper, we consider image encryption schemes using baker's map, which is one of chaotic maps. Image encryption scheme is divided into two phases, "permutation" and "diffusion". Permutation is encryption on positions of pixels, and diffusion is that on gray values. Both of them are necessary for secure encryption. In some previous studies, baker's map is used for permutation. With repeated application of this map, the pixels are permutated, and the original image comes to look featureless and random like noise. We can decrypt it easily if and only if the widths of the rectangles, called keys, are known because baker's map is reversible. First, we analyze the properties of baker's map and improve it to surmount the weakness. Secondly, we apply baker's map to diffusion. Finally, we evaluate the security of the proposed encryption scheme, and prove the usefulness of it.


中本 武志

Estimating the tail index of distributions: Case study on the foreign exchange market

We study an unconditional distribution derived from Alfarano-Lux model which has the two parameters: the herding propensity and the autonomous switching tendency. One of the parameters, the herding propensity characterizes the tail shape of its distribution, but does not accord with the well-known Hill's estimator in case of foreign exchange market data. In this paper, we transform the probability density function of Alfarano-Lux model to the expanded form and obtain the analytical form of its cumulative distribution function. Additionally, we explain the reason why the difference between the estimates of Alfarano-Lux model and Hill's estimator is generated, and conduct Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to measure the goodness-of-fit. As an application of Alfarano-Lux model to the foreign exchange market data, we measure the fluctuation risk for some currency pairs.


西岡 謙太

Log returns of stock values and q-Gaussian distributions: Application to the risk-assessment

We assess a risk of financial time series with the distribution estimated from them. Because it is not easy to infer its tail shape due to a lack of data in a practical manner.(1) We introduce Value at Risk(VaR) to a risk measure and compare it with variance under the q-Gaussian assumption.(2) We examine performance of the maximum likelihood estimator with the q-Gaussian log-likelihood function.(3) By using the distribution estimates, we verify errors of the VaR to estimated one. Finally we conduct an empirical analysis on log-returns of a stock traded in the Tokyo Stock Exchange.


平成21年度 修士論文題目

大谷 卓也

Sequential associative memories on complex networks

The models of associative memories in neural networks, such as Hopfield model, are quite tractable mathematically, and applied to many areas. One of them is a model of sequential associative memories. Most of the models, however, including sequential associative memories, are usually applied to all-to-all networks. Since the studies of neural networks originate in brain science, it is natural to apply them to more realistic networks. Many researchers have been interested in complex networks, which is said to describe properties of real networks in society, computers, and neurons, that is, the small-world and scale-free properties. For example, random graph, the Watts-Strogatz model, the Barabási-Albert model, are the most famous complex networks which have some interesting properties. These days, the studies of complex networks are developed drastically. In this paper, the model of sequential associative memories is applied to these complex networks. The main subject is how the network topology affects the temperature dependence of the retrieval performance. Computer simulation reveals that the temperature dependence varies with the network topology, and it also comes out that the local performance on each node is increasing monotonically with its degree. Modifying the existing theory to be suitable for complex networks, we have been obtained a new approximated equation for overlap using a mean-field approximation and the the central limit theorem. This approximated equation can describe the temperature dependence of performance with any networks whose degree distributions are known. Numerical solution of the equation on the Barabási-Albert model is compatible with simulation results. On the other networks, the numerical solutions do not agree well with the results. Loops of networks are considered as one of the possible causes for the inagreement because the loops could disturb the independence of node states which is essential to apply the central limit theorem. As the Barabási-Albert model is known to have a very small number of loops than the other complex networks, the above compatibility between simulation and theoretical results is consistent with the loop effects. In order to determine whether the loops are the cause of the error, in the last of this paper, we present new approximated simultaneous equations which evaluate the effects of loops. As far as the numerical solution on random graph, it is likely that the loops have little effect on the performance of sequential associative memories on complex networks.


砂川 敦志

Active random walkers: a simple model fro catalyst dynamics

Some problems related to active random walkers are studied with use of a model for a chemical system which consists of catalysts(C), products(P) and reactants(R). For numerical experiments we use a Monte Carlo method to follow motion of C- and P-particles. For analytical considerations a Langevin model for particle dynamics is introduced, which is converted to a coupled diffusion equation, whose linear stability is studied in relation to numerical experiments. We assume either attractive or repulsive interactions between C-particles and P-particles and the catalysts C are able to change environment locally by producing P-particles from R-particles. P-particles and C-particles can diffuse in the system and P-particles are characterized by a decay constant, which prevents the number of P-particles from increasing indefinitely. Our main results include

◦1) In case of attractive interaction between C- and P-particles, the density fields of C-particles and P-particles tend to a stationary bound state, which consists of a bump of C-particles and a bump of P-particles occupying the same small region (in a long time limit).
◦2) In case of repulsive interaction between C- and P-particles, we observe (irregular) density waves for both C-particles and P-particles, in which a region of high P-particles density corresponds to a region of low C-particles density, and vice versa.
◦3) When the amount of R-particles, available for the chemical reaction, is finite we observe that a ring, inside of which R-particles are consumed completely, expands outward.
◦4) Linear stability analyses give us information on the characteristic length of the stationary state and this turned out to be consistent with our findings (1) and (2) above.


平成20年度 修士論文題目

君塚 誠

Properties of coupled double well systems with delay and noise

The interplay between noise and delay in physical as well as biological systems gives rise to a lot of interesting phenomena and is gathering interest of many researchers. An especially hot area in this connection is the semiconductor laser emitter (VCSEL in short), which is modeled by a Brownian particle in a double-well potential under delayed force. If there were no delayed force, the system would show a simple barrier-crossing or hopping, which means for VCSEL the transition from the vertically polarized state of light to the horizontally polarized one and vice versa. In the presence of delay, which represents the delayed feedback for VCSEL, this hopping is modified due to strong correlation between (x(t)) and (x(t-τ)) , with (x(t)) and (τ) denoting position of the Brownian particle at time t and the delay time, respectively. In this work we consider a model which consists of (N)-Brownian particles put in a double-well potential and investigate some theoretical problems such as the positional stationary state distribution function (Pss) and the time correlation function(TCF). This model may be considered as a model for VCSEL in which (N) laser emitters are connected in cascade. At the moment we have no experimental results available for comparison with our theory. Thus we performed ourselves computer experiments to obtain some physical quantities of interest. For theoretical analysis of Brownian dynamics in a double well potential, we employ a two-state approximation, which replaces the continuous position x(t) with s(t), which takes only two values +1 ( if (x(t)>0) ) and -1 ( if (x(t)<0) ). This greatly simplifies our problem and at the same time gives much insight into our problem. Some results obtained in this work include, 1) the positional stationary state distribution function (Pss) for the Brownian particle model is calculated (computer) experimentally and its (τ) and feedback strength ε dependences are clarified. These dependences are theoretically studied for the case (N=2) based on the two-state approximation, which results in (Pss) well correlated with our experiments. It is remarked that this (τ) dependence is absent for the case (N=1, 2) the time correlation function is also calculated numerically by solving the Langevin equation and theoretically based on the two-state approximation.


近藤 健夫

Signal response in scale-free network of bistable units

Information processing in biological systems, such as brains or cell membranes, has several features in common: (i) it is an analog information processing; (ii) scale-free networks play an important role; and (iii) each information processing unit possesses strong nonlinearity. We studied the efficiency of information processing in a scale-free network, consisting of many interacting nonlinear units with double-well potential, both theoretically and (computer) experimentally. We introduced the gain (G) to quantify the efficiency, which is defined as the ratio of the output strength aL of the maximum response unit L to the periodic input signal strength (A), i.e. (G≡aL/A) . In the previous work, Acebron et al. calculated (G) as a function of coupling (or interaction) strength (λ) i.e. &math (G(λ)) , by simulations and they found that (G(λ)) showed plateau behavior in some range of (λ) They tried to understand their numerical results with emphasis put on a hub, which is a typical feature of the scale-free network. That is, they analyzed dynamics based on a simplified model (starlike network). However, the analysis contains some problems: (i) it is limited to a very small (λ) region; and (ii) the overall role of the scale-free network for information processing is not touched upon. In this study, we develop a formalism, in which the gain (G) is studied based on a one-body problem, which turns out to be a good approximation to replace the dynamics of the complex network. We analyzed this model, and obtained four theoretical predictions: (i) the value (Gplateau) of the plateau height of (G(λ)) (ii) the initial transient behavior of (G(λ)) in a small (λ) region, (Gtrans(λ)) with finiteness of the system taken into account, (iii) the asymptotic (G) value, (Gsync) after full synchronization is achieved for large (λ) and (iv) the critical value sync) , beyond which all units are fully synchronized and the gain (G); becomes (Gsync) We compared these theoretical predictions with computer experiments and confirmed that our theory reproduces experimental results at least semi-quantitatively. From this we may say that we could understand (G(λ)) in the whole coupling strength range by revealing the role of the complex network in information processing.


西村 麻衣子

Scaling analysis on quotation activities in the foreign exchange market: Empirical investigation and stochastic modeling

We investigate quotation activities in the foreign exchange market both empirically and theoretically. We found the scaling relationship between means of the number of quotations during window lengths and their standard deviations. We confirm that the scaling exponent temporally changes from 0.8 to 0.9 depending on observation days and that it tends to be unity as the time window length increases. We also estimate a cross-correlation coefficients and relative frequencies of the quotation activities. As a result, it is found that the scaling exponent and the cross-correlation coefficients show a significant correspondence relationship. Therefore, it is concluded that scaling analysis would be one of adequate ways to grasp the total market state. Besides, we propose a stochastic model to understand the market participants' activities and conduct a theoretical analysis for the proposed model with parameter fitting by empirical data. Comparing empirical results with theoretical ones, we examine the adequency of the model. Consequently, we found that the fluctuation of the probability with which market participants decide their attitudes and the weight of each currency pair have an important role to determine the value of a scaling exponent under the condition that the probability is homogeneous for every market participant.


丸山 高弘

Virus Spreading Models on Peer-to-Peer Network

Recently peer-to-peer (p2p) file-sharing systems have become a new communication paradigm. In this paper, we model virus spreading on Gnutella Network, which is one of p2p networks. P2p networks have two notable aspects. One is that a peer searches for a file and downloads it from a "host peer", which has the requested file. To determine whether a peer has the requested file or not in modeling of search and download process, we introduce a parameter Pj , which expresses the normalized amount of files stored in the peer j. It is assumed that the more a peer has files, the more possibly it becomes a host peer, that is, if Pj is large, the peer j has many files and can meet other peers' requests with high probability. The other aspect is that peers leave and join the network repeatedly. The topology of the network, therefore, changes gradually with time and the behaviour of ρ (the density of infected peers) becomes complicated. To our knowledge, several researchers address modeling of virus spreading on p2p networks. However, no reports have done in adequate consideration of the effect of peers' leave and join. We appropriately simulate virus spreading on the networks under the change of its topology by the effect of leave and join. Since peers empirically seem not to leave the network randomly, this work examines the two cases of directions of separation from the networks. One is that peers randomly leave (called "RA-separation") and the other is that the peer j leaves at the rate which is proportional to 1-Pj (called "F2-separation"). Moreover, using mean-field approximation, we obtain an analytical formulations and emulate virus spreading on the network and compare the results with those of simulation. We attain the fact that viruses spread on the network independently of infection rate when peers leave in accordance with F2-separation. In other words, the network is more vulnerable to virus in case of F2-separation.


平成19年度 修士論文題目

岩間 心平

Effects of time delay on nonlinear stochastic systems

Considerable attention is paid to some stochastic systems, whose dynamics is determined by the present state x(t) and the state x(t-T) in the past with r(> 0) denoting the delay time. Usually this delay is ascribed to the finite speed of information transmission and it is rather natural that effects of delay are intensively studied mainly for biological systems, e.g. as models to describe postural sway, visual feedback, and brain activity, to mention a few. Effects of delay are also studied for chemical, physical, and engineering systems. So long as we know, there have been no systematic studies on nonlinear systems where effects of delay play essential roles to determine system properties. Also from the viewpoint of methodology we have no reliable method, which can be applied for large delay time and strong nonlinearity. From these points stochastic systems with delay are offering many problems, interesting both from mathematical and physical viewpoints. Recent progress in understanding the delayed system may be partly due to the advent of the Fokker-Planck equation for the (one-body) distribution function p(x, t). However this equation is not a closed one for the distribution function p(x, t) in the sense that it contains additional 'collision' term, expressed in terms of two-body conditional distribution function p(y, t-T | x, t) for x(t-T) = y when x(t) = x. Developing some approximation schemes to make it a closed one, we give detailed discussions on the range of validity of each approximation scheme for the delay Fokker-Planck equation. Our strategy is as follows: First we note that the delay Fokker-Planck equation has two important parameters, the delay time T and the strength E of a delay term. We propose three approximation schemes, namely, which are supposed to be applicable for (i) small T, (ii) small E and (iii) large T regions. By applying these schemes to a double-well potential system and comparing theoretical predictions with (numerical) experiments, we estimate how our proposed schemes work to this problem.


川本 大樹

Efficient packet routing strategy in complex networks

We investigate new packet routing strategies which mitigate traffic congestion on complex networks. Instead of using shortest paths, we propose efficient paths which avoid hubs on scale-free networks with a weight of each node. Firstly, we compare the routing strategy using degree-based weights with that using betweenness-based weights on two types of scale-free networks. The strategy using degree-based weights is more efficient than that using betweenness-based weights on scale-free networks generated by a preferential attachment. On the other hand, the ascendancy of the strategy using degree-based weights over that using betweenness-based weights is reversed on scale-free networks composed by taking into account the distance between nodes. Next, we consider the heuristic algorithm which improves step by step routing properties on congestion by using the information of betweenness of each node in every step. We propose new heuristic algorithm which balances traffic on networks by achieving minimization of the maximum betweenness in the much smaller number of iteration steps.


酒井 洋

Discrimination and Cluster methods for multi-dimensional time series of the Foreign Exchange Market based on Spectral Distances

In this thesis, the similarities between multi-dimensional time series extracted from high frequency financial data of the foreign exchange market are measured and the hierarchical clustering is performed based on them. We introduce two methods to calculate their similarities based on spectral distances. One is the sum of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two normalized power spectra of time series of each elements for different observations, and the other is that between two largest eigenvalues of cross spectral matrix computed from multiple time series. In order to verify adequateness of these methods, we introduce the agent-based model of the foreign exchange market in which N market participants exchange M currency pairs, and perform numerical simulation and the hierarchical clustering with pseudo price movements obtained from it. As the results, it is found that the tendency that time series are unified sequentially as the difference of parameters became large, and that results obtained by means of two methods are almost similar. Finally applying this procedure to actual tick data we confirm that this can extract meaningful information from a large amount of data. The day when the rate movements of several currency pairs are greatly abnormal has a tendency that that on the day belongs to a separated cluster from those on other days. Therefore, it is concluded that this procedure is applicable to automatic extraction of meaningful information about markets from enomarous amounts of financial data.


多羅尾 光記

Information Flow and Causality in Coupled Systems

In studies of a complex system, one of the major concerns is the detection and quantification of "causal interdependencies" among many dynamical subsystem, which constitute the complex system. For systems studied via physics or chemistry, this interdependency may be called "coupling" or "interaction". The purpose of this thesis is to study both physical and man-made systems on equal footing, using the concept of entropy transfer (or information flow) between subsystems. From physics we know that heat flows from a high to a low temperature region and sound wave propagates through a system with a constant velocity. These may be regarded as a kind of information transfer and there have been many works to understand these phenomena from the viewpoint of information flow. Based on the recent advance in methodology to quantify entropy transfer, as developed by Schreiber, we consider three systems, (1) a linearly coupled Langevin system, (2) FitzHugh?-Nagumo neural networks and (3) foreign exchange market. For each system we quantitatively analyze the system dynamics, especially the interrelation among subsystems, based on entropy transfer. The characteristics of these systems is that they have many units that are coupled with each other, unidirectionally or bidirectionally. In the linear system composed of two Brownian particles, we derive the transfer entropy rate in a theoretical way by taking the limit dt→0 where dt represents the sampling time. And we compare it with the entropy production rate. In the non-linear system that consists of many neurons, the information flow in three types of network, (i) linear array type, (ii) triangular type and (iii) a star-like one is analyzed. For a foreign exchange market, we treat the thirteen currency pairs. By calculating the entropy transfer among currency pairs, we observed some rules, which are rather vague but suggestive and seem to be consistent with our intuition.


平成18年度 修士論文題目

小崎 元也

Application of the Beck model to stock markets: Value-at-Risk and portfolio risk assessment

We have applied the Beck model, developed for mechanical systems that exhibit scaling properties, to stock markets. Our study revealed that the Beck model elucidates properties of stock market returns and is applicable to practical use such as the Value-at-Risk estimation and the portfolio analysis. We have performed empirical analysis with daily/intraday data of the S&P 500 index returns and found that the volatility fluctuation of real markets iw well consistent with the assumptions of the Beck model: the volatility fluctuates in much larger time scale than return itself and the inverse of variance, or "inverse temperature," beta obeys Gamma-distribution. As predicted by the Beck model. the method of Value-at-Risk (VaR), one of the most significant indicator in risk management, is studied for q-Gaussian distribution. Our proposed method enables the VaR estimation in consideration of tail risk, which is underestimated by the variance-covariance method. A framework of portfolio risk assessment under the existence of tail risk is considered. We have proposed a multi-asset model with a single volatility fluctuation shared by all assets, named the single beta model, and empirically examined the agreement between the model an and an imaginary portfolio with Dow Jones indices. It turns out that the single beta model gives good approximation to portfolios composed of the assets with non-Gaussian and correlated returns.


新谷 幸平

Empirical analysis and numerical simulation of foreign exchange market dynamics

In this thesis, the dynamics of the foreign currency markets is analyzed with the tick frequency, which is the trace of market participatnts' activities. With the double-threshold agent model, the relation between the tick frequency time series of two agent groups is discussed. Empirical analysis with actual tick data indicates that the similarity of the tick frequency time series is getting similar as time passes and the similarity network among currency pairs changes by the areas where the markets are active. It means that in the present financial markets, market participants become more homogeneous, and the risks in the financial markets must be calibrated depending on areas, respectively. Alternative analysis indicates that the similarity between the best ask price and the similarity between the tick frequency time series influence each other constantly and weakly, and that the co-movement of them quickly and largely changes. Finally, a way of constructing the real-time market monitoring system is discussed.


塔下 晃州


金融市場をスピン変数を用いてモデル化し、それを統計力学の分野で開発された種種の理論やシミュレーション手法を用いて解析する研究が近年広く行われてい る。このモデルでは、各市場参加者 i (=1,2,...,N)の時点nでの行動を買いと売りで表現し、これらの全体としての結果がバランス関数を通じて市場価格 に反映され、それが各市場参加者にフィードバックされて、次の時点n+1での参加者の行動を決める。我々は Kaizoji(2000)等の先行研究を踏まえ、それを多成分系(性質の異なるエージェントが市場に混合している)に拡張した市場モデルを提案し、その系の性質をエージェント数Nが非常に大きな場合は分子場理論を用い、また、エージェント数Nの有限性が重要な場合はモンテカルロシミュレーションを用いて 考察した。市場の定性的性質(相転移のパラメータ依存性)、暴落、暴騰やそれらが起こるまでの時間の分布を調べると同時に、特に多成分化の市場に及ぼす効 果について種種の知見を与えた。具体的には、(1)エージェントが一種類で、パラメータb>0(行動変化を嫌うエージェント)としたモデルでは、需要供給が均衡している安定な市場から暴落や暴騰などの不安定な市場 になるまでの時間の分布が指数分布になることを示し、またその平均寿命はNに対して指数関数的に増大することがわかった。(2)2種類の異なるエージェン トが市場に存在する場合と、1種類のエージェントのみを含む場合について対数収益率の分布を比較すると、性質の異なるエージェントが存在する場合の方が裾 野が広がった。 (3)性質の異なる多くのエージェントが混在する系のシミュレーションを行い、その結果、自分の行動を変えにくいエージェント(b>0 :大)はその性質のため、利益を出す場合と損失を出す場合がはっきりと分かれ、大きなリスクを抱えたエージェントであることがわかった。


徐 普永

Self-tuning of activation energy in a two-state system

Many researchers have observed, in various biological and physical systems, that noise can enhance responses(i.e. output signals) of nonlinear systems to a weak periodic driving force(i.e. input signals) in a positive way, thus transfering more information than a case without noise. The phenomenon is closely related to stochastic resonance(SR), which states that there exists optimal noise strength T* where best information transfer is achieved. However it seems that not much attention has been paid to a situation where noise is rather weak and information transfer is very limited. In order to solve this problem, we attempt to apply an idea of self-tuning (ST), first proposed to explain high sensitivity of auditory systems of animals. That is, we consider a simple adaptation process of an activation energy(to be regarded as a threshold), which turns out to work well for a two-state system (TSS) in a weak noise region. Improvement of information processing ability of the TSS in a strong noise region was made possible by analytically studying the adaptation equation. We apply our ST method to a double-well potential system (DWPS), showing that the ST method works well also for the DWPS. Some quantities, not directly obtainable theoretically such as the first-passage-time distribution function, are calculated based on Monte-Carlo simulations. Finally we consider ST and SR from the viewpoint of 'energy transfer' from input signals to reservoirs. It is shown from numerical experiments that this energy transfer shows similar behavior as the information transfer.


長沼 佑樹

Packet routing strategy using neural networks on complex networks

We investigate routing strategies on complex networks. Firstly, using neural networks, we introduce a routing strategy where path lengths and queue lenghts are taken into account within a framework of statistical physics. The performance in this strategy becomes more efficient from improvement of the distance term. At the same time, we analyze how the properties of networks influence the performance of this strategy. Secondly, we propose a routing strategy where connection weights in neural networks are adjusted by local information. We also confirm how the distance term and the properties of networks influence the performance of this adjustive strategy.


松田 雄馬

Synchronization of a randomly coupled map model for neural networks

Neurons are known to oscillate synchronously with each other to achieve various functions. Studies on randomly coupled Hodgkin-Huxley neuron models have show that neurons synchronize their activity even in noisy environments. Synchronization is reported to occur when the size of networks is large enough even for sparsely connected neurons. Because fluctuation is neglected in large size networks, synchronization is controlled only by average states of neurons. Although it is widely observed in nature, especially in nervous systems, most of the mechanism is still unknown. In this paper, the condition for synchronization on neural networks is investigated with numerical simulations of a one-dimensional map neuron model. Then, the synchronization in noisy fields is theoretically understood throughout the distribution of neuron states formulated by inductive statistics and Gaussian mixture models.


平成25年度 特別研究報告書題目

大塚 啓司郎




岡田 大樹


与えられた2値乱数系列が真の乱数系列であるかどうかを仮説検定する,複数の検定法をまとめた検定ツールがあるが,その著名な検定ツールに米国商務省標準技術局が公開しているNIST Special Publication 800-22がある.そのツールの評価法の1つであるDFT検定(離散フーリエ変換検定法)にはいくつかの理論的問題点がある.本論文ではまずその問題点を考察する.そしてその考察において各々のフーリエ係数間の従属関係があることが分かった.このことは,DFT検定の問題点をより強く裏付けるものとなる.


長谷川 史晃




平成24年度 特別研究報告書題目

亀山 慎吾




猶原 僚也


本研究では、送る信号のタイミングがそれぞれ異なる非同期CDMA通信(端末から基地局へのアップリンク)で現在一般的に使用されているGold符号と、それよりも理論的に性能の良いパワー一定カオス拡散符号や厳密に直交するパワー一定カオス拡散符号との性能をBER(ビット誤り率:Bit Error Rate)や信号対雑音比(SNR:Signal-to-Noise-Ratio)や、信号対干渉比(SIR:Signal-to-Interference Ratio)という指標を用いることによって比較する。カオスの性質を持った上記の拡散符号を用いることによりエルゴード理論から統計力学的な解析が可能となる。先行研究では1チャネルで行われていたシミュレーションをI,Qチャネルという同相成分と直交成分に分けて行ったのが新しいところである。


長崎 大都


一方最適化アルゴリズムに関しては、今回粒子群最適化法(以下、PSO)に着目し、PSOにカオスの要素を取り入れる。PSOは比較的新しいメタヒューリスティックアルゴリズムであるが、その柔軟性や応用範囲の広さから注目を浴びている。しかし、PSO にはアルゴリズムとして課題も多くあり、改良の余地があると考えられている。
本稿ではまず、PSOにLSFを適用し最適化の向上をはかりつつ、多種の最適化問題をLSF適用PSOアルゴリズムで解くことにより、LSFのパラメーター r の決定方法について説明する。そして、PSOが完全に決定論的でないという課題に対して、カオス乱数を用いることにより改良し、決定論的かつ近似最適解の精度を向上させる、新たな決定論的PSOアルゴリズムを提案する。


平成23年度 特別研究報告書題目

有井 伴樹


確率共鳴は、系に入力された信号と雑音の相互作用によって出力と信号が同期する現象である。この現象は、例えば双安定系で、入力信号が正弦波のときに起こる。 雑音が適度な大きさであれば、入力信号と同じ周期で安定状態間を往復し、出力は周期性をもち、確率共鳴が起こる。確率共鳴は氷河期が周期的に起こることを 説明するために提案され、さまざまなシステムにおいて確認されている。 確率共鳴を起こす系を結合することによって確率共鳴現象が強く起こることも研究されてきた。この論文では、環状に並んだN個の振動子が一律に前 後 tilde{k} 個以内の全ての振動子と線形に結合した、雑音が振動子ごとに異なる系を扱う。振動子が"狭く($\tilde{k}$: 小)"結合するか"広く($\tilde{k}$: 大)"結合するかによって、確率共鳴の効果がどのように変わるかを調べる。確率共鳴の度合いの指標として、従来の指標である信号対雑音比(Signal to Noise Ratio: SNR)と、信号検出率と誤り率の統計であるROC(Receiver Operating Characteristics)を用いる。全体的には、SNRが大きいとき、ROCの結果が良い傾向にあるが、両者の結果には微妙な不一致がある。 SNRという指標によると、Nと$\tilde{k}$が大きくなるにつれて確率共鳴の度合いが上がるという結果が出た。しかし、ROCによると、N=5,9,17,33の中ではN=17の場合に、確率共鳴の度合いが最も高いという結果が出た。また、ROCでは、N=17の場は$\tilde{k}$が大きくなれば確率共鳴の度合いが高くなるが、N=17の場合以外は$\tilde{k}$と確率共鳴の度合いに相関がないという結果も出た。


新元 啓文


近年、景気の悪化が叫ばれているが、景気の変化と株価の変動というのは密接に関係している。では、好況や不況の前触れはどのようなものであろうか。これを知るために、過去約10年間にわたる株価の変動を分析していく。分析対象は、2000年1月4日から 2010年12月10日までの東証一部上場企業の日次株価データである。このうち、現在、日経平均株価構成銘柄となっている225銘柄を対象とした。株価の時系列を定量的に分割するために、階層的時系列分割法という手法を用いる。ここでは、判別量として、正規分布に対するジェンセン・シャノン・ダイバー ジェンスを用いる。まず、時系列全体の対数収益率の平均、分散を出し、そこから正規分布の尤度 L1 を求める。そして、時系列をある時点 t で二分し、左右それぞれで平均、分散から分割を仮定したときのそれぞれの正規分布の尤度を求め、左の尤度と右の尤度の積を L2(t) とする。 L2(t) を L1 で割り、自然対数をとったものが正規分布に対するジェンセン・シャノン・ダイバージェンスである。この判別量が最大となる時点 t が時系列を二分する時刻となる。この分割方法により、階層的に繰り返し時系列の分割を行い、判別量の最大値がある閾値に届かなければその区間ではこれ以上 分割を行わない。株価時系列を分割した後、それぞれの区間での分散を調べ、分散の大小によって区間を特徴づけすることで、株価変動の傾向を調べる。また、分割された区間とマクロ経済指標との関係を調べるために、景気一致指数と新聞記事から取り出した経済事象がそれぞれの区間とどのように相関しているかの定性比較を行った。


久世 友博




平成22年度 特別研究報告書題目

岩田 真聡


既知の過去の事象に基づいて将来のモデルを構築し、将来ありうべきデータの時系列を測定前に予測すること、すなわち、過去のデータから未来のデータを予測することを時系列予測と呼ぶ。今回はその中でも、過去の時系列データの値のみによって未来の時系列データが予測でき、かつ様々な種類の時系列データに適用できる汎用性の高いモデルの追及を目標とした。過去に様々な研究者がそのような時系列予測モデルの考案を試み、様々な時系列予測モデルが過去に生まれてきたが、この論文ではその中でも非線形項を用いた時系列予測であるファジィ推論システム(FIS)を、適応型ネットワーク上で表現した、ファジィ推論システムに基づく適応型ネットワーク(ANFIS)に着目し、その仕組みを詳しく述べるとともに、更にANFISに自己回帰モデル(Auto Regressive Model)と呼ばれる時系列予測モデルを組み合わせたモデルを考案し、様々な実際の時系列データにこの二つのモデルを条件を変えて適用することでその性能を比較し、その考案したモデルの有用性を調べた。


尾崎 亮輔


社会システムや化学構造などは関係性をノードとそれらを結ぶリンクとして、ネットワークでモデル化することができる。ネットワークの“複雑性”を表す指標を議論する。ここでは特に、熱力学や情報理論におけるエントロピーをネットワークに拡張した「ネットワークエントロピー」という量を取り扱う。本研究では、統計力学における量子状態のエントロピーをネットワークアンサンブル(集合)に適応させた「ギブス エントロピー」について、特に次数を制約にもつネットワークの、アンサンブル数え上げるアルゴリズムを考察した。


家治川 博




吉村 玄太


ネットワークのダイナミクス(トポロジーつまり接続状態の変化)とネットワーク上のダイナミクス(ノー ド状態の変化)が相互作用するようなネットワークを適応型ネットワークと呼ぶ。本論文では潜伏期を持つ感染症が適応型ネットワークにおいてどのような定常状態に達するかを明らかにする。まず適応型ネットワークにおける潜伏期を持つ感染症のダイナミクスを表現するため、Susceptible-Infected-Susceptibleモデル(SISモデル)を発展させたSusceptible-Latent-Infected-Susceptibleモデル(SLISモデル)を導入する。次にネットワークのノード状態及びトポロジーを表す平均場量を用いて近似し、導入した SLISモデルを支配する連立常微分方程式を導出する。この方程式を解くことで、SLISモデルの定常状態における感染ノード密度を理論的に求める。また SLISモデルを計算機上で実装し、シミュレーションを行うことで定常状態における感染ノード密度を数値的に求める。感染確率pに対して、無病状態から流行状態への転移が起きる侵入閾値 pinv 、及び流行状態から無病状態への転移が起きる持続閾値 pper が定義できる。従来のSISモデルでは、リンクの張り替えにより感染症との接触を避ける防衛の効果によって、多くの場合に pper < pinv となり、2つの閾値の間では履歴に応じて無病状態と流行状態の2つの安定な状態をとる、いわゆる双安定性を有する。これに対して本研究で導入したSLISモデルでは、潜伏期が長くなるほど防衛の効果が薄れ、 pinv, pper が減少していくこと、双安定性が失われることを、得られた解析及びシミュレーションの結果から示す。た pinv, pper の、潜伏期の長さを特徴付けるxに対する依存性を示す。さらに潜伏期における自覚症状の有無により定常状態、特に pper や流行状態の感染ノード密度に変化が生じることを示す。


平成21年度 特別研究報告書題目

池田 和雄


社会的ネットワークにおける意見の伝播や、比例代表選挙などの特性を表すのに使われるSznajdモデルが研究されてきた。Sznajdモデルについて説明し、意見の定常状態での共存を発生させるgeneralized bounded confidence rule をSznajdモデルに用いる。様々なネットワークでの意見が3種類存在する場合でのシミュレーションを行い、その違いを調べ、平均場近似により導いた結 果と比較した。ネットワークによるシミュレーションと平均場近似の結果の違いにはクラスター係数が関与していると考え、シミュレーションを行ったが、実際には、ノード間の平均距離が関わっていることが推定できた。さらに、意見の種類が多い場合の意見の分布の変化のシミュレーション(比例代表選挙を想定している)をBarabasi-Albertモデルにおいて行い、べき乗則が見られることを確かめた。また、クラスター係数の変化したネットワークでも同様にべき乗則が見られることを示した。


野田 実




森岡 篤


計算機の発達により大量のデータを集め、計算処理することができるようになっている。本報告では、高解像度で外国為替市場の通貨交換レートに関する変動データを用いてその変動に何かしらのパターンが存在するかを検証する。ランダムウォークの理論を仮定した場合、パターンは存在しないと考えられる。本稿では外国為替の変動が過去の状態に依存して次の状態が決まり得るマルコフ性に着目して分析していく。マルコ フ性の検証を行なうために、変動の組み合わせに対して、マルコフ性近似で導出される確率分布とデータの相対頻度から直接計算される実際の確率分布との二種 類の差異を計算する。この二種類の確率分布の差異はKullback entropyの値を用いて、差異の大小により外国為替の変動におけるマルコフ性の存在を確認する。本分析において、マルコフ性の検証を行なうための2値化法として、しきい値を用いた区間設定が必要となってくる。設定したしきい値以上に外国為替が変動したときに一つの区間が完成する。その設定するしきい値を変化させることでマルコフ性にどのような影響が出るかについても分析する。ある範囲内のしきい値をとることによりマルコフ性が最も強く現れることがわかった。また、通貨ペアによってこの範囲に違いがあることがわかった。


平成20年度 特別研究報告書題目

伊藤 康輔


今回われわれは、富の形成を社会ネットワーク上に配置されたagentどうしのリ ンクを通した富の移動によるものと考え、ネットワークは複雑ネットワーク(BAモデル、ランダムグラフ)を用い、富の移動を発展型ゲーム(囚人のジレンマ &math(\cdot); snowdriftゲーム)の繰り返しによるpayoffで表し、形成された富の分布について調べた。その結果、高所得者の富の分布の示すパレート則が BAモデル上で再現され、低所得者の分布の示す指数分布がランダムグラフ上で再現された。つまり、高所得者の社会的ネットワークはBAモデルに近く、低所 得者の社会的ネットワークはランダムグラフに近いということが、推測される。ちなみに、富の分布を特徴づけるパレート指数の値も現実と符合する結果となっ た。さらに、ゲームのパラメータと所有する富の格差を表すジニ係数の関係を、ゲームの戦略更新方法を変更して比較してみた。また、1ステップあたりの合計のpayoff分布のシミュレーションによる結果と、1ゲームごとのpayoffを用いて計算したものを比較してみた。その結果、両者は似た分布となった。


中本 武志


情報通信技術の発展に伴い、コンピューターを利用して人間の行動の大規模かつ高解像度なデータが処理できるようになったため、そのデータを処理することで社会現象を理解できるようになってきた。本研究では、外国為替市場における注文・約定のデータを分析 し、参加者の行動変化と外部環境の変化、為替レートの変化との関係を議論する。外国為替市場とは、外国為替取引を目的とする参加者が集うネットワーク全体 を意味する。基本的に平日に取引が行われ、参加者の性質が地球の自転に合わせて移り変わっていく。この様子を理解するために、市場参加者とその通貨ペアを扱う市場からなる二部グラフとしてモデル化する。そして、参加者が通貨ペアに対して行う注文と、市場で行われる約定の回数から通貨ペアと通貨に対する相対頻度と平均情報量を提案する。この量を用い、平均情報量の変化から市場参加者全体の行動変化の大きさを測る。ICAP EBS Platformにより収集されたデータを用いて実際に分析を行った。分析の結果、通貨の注文に対する平均情報量の変化が大きいことが判明した。その変化と、為替レートの変動との間に関連性が認められた。


永田 啓悟


情報通信の際の暗号化方法の1つとして、カオスなシステムの同期現象を用いた手法が近年研究されている。一例として、D. MaterassiとM. Bassoは、情報送信者であるSenderのローレンツ方程式にTime Scalingを施すことによってデジタル信号をカオス信号に混入し、情報受信者のReceiverに送信できることを提唱した。また、この方法は、暗号解読方法の1つとして有名なReturn Map Attackを回避できるという特徴を持っている。 本論文ではこのTime Scalingを用いることで、SenderからReceiverにビット列を正しく送信できることを検証した。その際に送信法則を定期的に変更すること により、もう1つの解読方法であるReturn Time Map Attackを回避できることも確かめた。さらに、ローレンツ方程式に誤差の収束を促す項を加えることにより、同期現象の成立までの緩和時間の短縮を試みた。この改良によって、短い時間で通常よりも多くの情報を正確に送信することが可能であることを、シミュレーションにより検証した。


西岡 謙太


価格が変動するリスク資産を保有する場合、複数の資産を同時に保有することにより、総資産の変動リスク を減らすことがよく行われている。この場合、リスク資産の相関がわかっているとすると、リスクを減じる問題は二次計画問題で記述できることが知られてい る。この二次計画問題を解くためには、相関行列がわかっていなければならないが、実務的には過去の有限時系列から見積もる必要があり、相対誤差を含んでい る。この誤差の既存の除去方法として、ランダム行列の固有値分布を用いて実証的な相関行列の固有値分布をフィルタリングするという方法がよく用いられてい る。本稿では、多変量ランジュバンモデルを用いて価格変動を記述し、有限長の多変量時系列から相関行列を推定 するときの時系列長と推定誤差の関係を調べる。そして、既存のフィルタリング方法の定性的な理解と、ランダム行列の固有値分布を用いた、有意な時系列長の 存在確認が本稿の目的である。そのために、まず、実証的相関行列の固有値分布と、理論的に求まる真の固有値分布を比較し、時系列長の増加に伴って、実証的固有値分布が真の固有値分布に収束していく様子を確認する。また、実証的固有値分布とランダム行列の固有値分布を比較し、時系列が短いときの実証的固有値 分布のランダム性について議論する。以上のような考察を、分散共分散が定常なモデルと非定常なモデルについて行う。また、データのサンプル時間間隔と相関時間の関係についても議論する。


平成19年度 特別研究報告書題目

木津 幸子


エントロピー生成あるいはエントロピー生成率は、非平衡な過程を特徴付ける最も基本的かつ一般的な物理 量である。1990年代初頭に見出された「揺らぎ定理」の出現によりエントロピー生成は益々その重要性を増しつつある。観測時間τでのエントロピー生成を Δ とすると、「揺らぎ定理」はその確率分布 p(Δ) p(Δ)/p(-Δ)=exp(Δ) を満足することを主張する。小さな体系や短い観測時間では揺らぎが大きく、熱力学第2法則に反してエントロピー生成が負になることもありうるが、揺らぎ定理はその確率を定量的に議論することを可能にした。
ただし、確率分布 p(Δ) から直ちに熱力学第2法則 ⟨Δ⟩= ∫ dΔp(Δ)Δ > 0 が導かれるので、揺らぎ定理は熱力学第2法則を、揺らぎを含めた形に一般化(拡張)したものであるといえ る。揺らぎ定理研究の初期には、主として決定論的な力学系が扱われたが、次第に確率系も研究の対象になり、現在では非決定論的な、すなわちストキヤス ティックな力学系も多くの研究者の関心を集めている。また、「揺らぎ定理」の多くのものでは観測時間Tが十分大きいときに成立することを主張するが、現在、この制限を緩める方向でいくつかの研究がなされている。本研究においては、ポテンシャルV(x)の中を運動する(過減衰)ブラウン粒子に周期外の時間周期外力が作用する系をランジェバン方程式で記述し、 i)観測時間丁において、上に述べた揺らぎ定理が厳密に成立することを示し、 ii)これを以下のポテンシャルをもつ3つの系に適用した。
a)調和振動子系 V(x)=x2/2
b)2次一4次系 V(x)=(x+1)2(x-1)2
c)区分線形系 V(x)=x(2f) (0 ≤ x < f) , V(x)=(1-x)/2(1-f) (f ≤ x < 1)
系a)に対しては p(Δ) が厳密に計算でき、この p(Δ) が確かに揺らぎ定理を満足することを確認した。数値シミュレーションも合わせて行い、数値的にどの程度揺らぎ定理 が検証できるかを考察した。系b)c)に対しては数値実験により揺らぎ定理を確認すると同時に,b)に対してはこれが確率共鳴を示す典型的な系であることを考慮して、SN比と ⟨Δ⟩ を比較した。これにより、両者が似た温度依存性を示すことが分かった。この理由は、ブラウン粒子の運動と時間周期外力との同期性により理解できる。また系c)については、これがラチェット運動を示すので、並進速度の、非対称パラメータ依存性を考察すると同時に、エントロピー生成の依存性を考察した。


砂川 敦史


多変量時系列の分析において共分散行列が用いられ、その縮約、主成分分析、固有値のスペクトルについて 考察が深められている。共分散行列による時系列間の構造の分析は時系列の値の共起性に着目したものである。しかしながら、共分散行列ではしばしば相関の存在の優位性判別が難しくなり、分析精度に問題が生じることが知られている。本研究では、時系列の瞬時位相の同期性に着目した時系列の類似性の定量化方法を取り扱い、共分散行列による類似性の定量化方法について、多変量確率微分方程式を用いて比較を行う。また、現実の多変量時系列として外国為番市場のレート変動に対して同じ比較を行った。分析の結果共分散行列と瞬時位相を用いた類似度速度との閤に非線形関係があることがわかった。


武田 隆之


あるネットワークを構成する者の間で周囲の意見を取り入れ、周囲の意見の平均値と自己の意見の積に雑音を加えたものを元に自己の意見の更新がなされるモデルを考える。一定時間後にそのネットワーク全体の意見がどのような結論状態 に達するかはネットワークの構造と雑音の強度に依存する。いま初期状態をランダムに決定し、雑音の最大値を指定した上で、十分なステップ数だけ意見の更新を行った状態を結論状態とみなす。リンク数とリンク先が固定された規則的なネットワーク、リンク数は固定でありながら単位時間ごとにリンク先がランダムに決定されるネットワーク、リンク数の分布がべき乗になりリンク先が固定されたネットワークに対して結論状態を求める。平均場近似を用いて理論値を導出し、各ネットワークの結論状態と比較する。また、一定の割合で自己の意見を固持するようなモデルを導入し、固持する割合による結論状態の差異を調べ、ネットーク内で固持する割合が一定であるモデルとそうでないモデルの間での比較を行い、ネットワークの構造ごとの結論状態の差異について考察する。


平成18年度 特別研究報告書題目

近藤 健夫


入力信号の雑音が加わって閾値系に取り込まれたとき、その系からの出力には一般に多少なりとも入力信号の情報が含まれている。もしこの入力信号が微弱で閾値を超え ないなら、その情報量が最大になる雑音の強さが存在する。いま雑音強度を指定する パラメータである温度をコントロールできる状況にあるとして、温度の自己調整をした場合、温度調整をしなかったときと比較して、情報処理機能に関してどのような結 果が得られるかを考察する。


平松 将


データに基づき体系の背後に横たわるダイナミックスを定量化することによって、 現象の理解を深める目的で、本研究では、時系列の緩和の程度を定量化するスペ クトラル・エントロピーに基づいたスペクトル距離の評価方法を提案する。そして、 多変量自己回帰モデルによって人工的に生成した時系列に対して、提案するスペクトル距離の定量化手法が妥当であることを示す。


丸山 高弘


数理生態学は互いに競合、強調したり、捕食関係にあるなど複雑に関係する複数種の固体数の増減ダイナミクスを捉えるものである。本論文では、捕食関係にある二種類の個体数増減のダイナミクスを、Lotoka-Volterraモデルを用いて調べた。 これは、二種のprey-predatorモデルと言われ、一方の種の減数が、他方の種の増数に結びつくため、病原菌に感染する過程を考えた際の感染者と病原菌の増減や自己触媒下での化学反応における分子数の増減などもモデル化できる。prey-predatorモデルに関して、十分時間が経てば、被食者と捕食者の個体数は安定定常点に漸近するか、不安定定常点のまわりを囲んで存在する一つの極限閉軌道すなわちリミットサイクルに漸近して、振動が続くかのどちらかである。いずれの場合も、大域的な振動の振幅が小さいためにほぼ振動していない状態に近くなることが多いことが分かっている。しかし、このモデルは平均値だけでダイナミクスを見ているため、果たしてそれがミクロな観点からみても本当に振動しているかどうかは確認できない。そこで、ミクロな観点からprey- predatorモデルのダイナミクスを考えるために、格子モデルを導入する。格子を用いたprey-predatorモデルは、格子点であるサイトに個 体を一つ配置させることで被食者と捕食者の位置を明確にできる。さらに、それらの捕食関係をサイトの隣どうしで起こる相互作用とみなし、サイトの状態を遷移させることを繰り返した後、全体のサイト数に対する個体の割合(密度)や、全体の数十分の一の大きさの範囲を局所とし、局所的な密度を計算することで、 大域的な挙動と局所的な挙動とを対比して考察した。さらに、サイトの状態変化アルゴリズムにおいて、確率的に状態変化をする中で、状態変化が起こらない場合に捕食者と被食者の入れ替わりや捕食者の移動を考えることで、個体数振動や距離に関するサイトの状態の相関関数にどのような影響を及ぼすかを、計算機シミュレーションによって調べた。
